Bullet Journal vs M3 Journal

The bullet journal is often presented as a revolutionary time management method, but come the new year, it will have a worthy new adversary: the M3 journal. Even though both journals aim to accomplish the task of saving user time, they’re quite different. So when it comes down to Bullet Journal VS M3 Journal, which is better?

Le Bullet Journal : an organisational tool

Halfway between an agenda, a personal journal and a To-Do list, the Bullet Journal was designed in 2013 by a man named Ryder Carroll.

The New York-based Digital Product Designer imagined a method of regrouping together one’s tasks and objectives-whether they’re personal or professional-all in one place. The goal? « Helping people get organized ».

In simple terms, the Bullet Journal is a small notebook in which you’ll find an index and planning tools (yearly, monthly and daily) in addition to “collections” of lists that are grouped around the same theme.

Bujo’s strengths

1 – Its accessible…

One of the great benefits is that the Bullet Journal is accessible. Here, the product is unfinished when purchased: users must make their own journals. If you want to use Ryder Caroll’s method, getting started requires a standard blank journal and a few pens.

2 – … and personalised…

The Bullet Journal, or BuJo for short, offers many possibilities for personalisation. Each user can decorate their notebook as they choose and adapt the method to their needs. The icons imagined by Ryder Caroll to identify the nature of tasks can be replaced, with ones that are more convenient for the user.

3 – … that serves as a middle ground for private and professional spheres…

Professional and private spheres are often dissociated, even though together they form an integral part of our lives. Being able to use a tool that takes into account the different dimensions of our every day makes Bujo an indispensible tool when organizing one’s daily tasks.

4 – … in the long and short term.

Another advantage of the Bullet Journal is its main difference with a simple agenda: it gives users more of an ability to project themselves forward thanks to a dedicated “future log.” Bujo gives users a double page section for events and annual objectives. As a result, Bujo users don’t risk losing sight of their ambition!


Justine, Customer Success Manager chez Julie Desk, decided to try bullet journaling a little over a month ago:

In the beginning, I was a bit reticent, because the reviews I read gave me the impression that I needed to be an artist to have the time to decorate the pages and note my daily tasks. But I was looking for a time saving tool! Finally, a friend of mine that was into journaling convinced me to try it and I have to say that the Bullet Journal is much less complicated than I imagined. In fact, it’s a relatively simple system that each user can adapt to their needs. Personally, I use two: one for my professional life and one for everything in my personal life. And I’ve found that I have become more productive this way.

Le M3 Journal : a tool for projecting future goals

Damien Cozette, a frenchman “passionate about personal and entrepreneurial development, currently in charge of a number of different projects for a large French corporation,” designed The M3 Journal. Though younger than the Bujo, the M3 Journal is a tool in the form of a tiny notebook with pre-marked pages to coach the user to boost their productivity and reach their objectives.

Using the M3 Journal requires two big phases: Phase 1 requires fixing an objective and defining the ensemble of actions necessary for its accomplishment. The second phase lasts three months and depends on 3 kinds of planning: monthly, bi-weekly and daily..

M3 journal strengths

1 – A partner…

One of the best perks of using the M3 Journal is that it’s accompanied by a manual: “Method 3.” This manual explains the different steps to follow to fully explore the possibilities offered by the journal!

2 – … that rewards our actions…

Every weekend, the M3 Journal user is invited to fill out a double page and write a recap of the week that has just passed. He can also calculate his productivity score and set a bi-weekly reward for reaching a certain score.

3 – … and invites the user to start new habits…

The M3 Journal was designed to help users achieve a specific goal within three months. Even still, by using this tool, it is possible to reach other objectives. The “habits” tracker allows one to plan and track good habits (sleep more, meditate more etc.) which are also susceptible to helping you achieve your goals.

4 – … alone or with others.

Another advantage of the M3 journal is that it was created on the principle that the journey is better and seems shorter when travelled together with others. If one can use the M3 alone, one can also use it with colleagues or team members who also have an objective to reach.
It doesn’t matter whether the projects are the same nature or not! The idea is to constitute a small team and to regularly reunite with one’s partners to see how each one is advancing toward their goal, and to distribute rewards in turn.

Bullet Journal VS M3 Journal : A close race

You might have understood that the M3 Journal is an ideal tool for people hoping to concretize a real goal with others. The Bullet Journal, allows one to plan one’s day in a flexible and efficient way, but isn’t ideal for project planning.

Though they’re often pitted against one another, the tools are in reality complementary. It is possible to use BuJo to put one’s and ideas in order and use M3 to delve more deeply into one or two of your project tasks! Moreover, their combined use gives one the opportunity to think about oneself, one’s personal decisions and one’s professional ambition. And as we said recently, gaining time, saves you time.

Have you already tried one of these methods? Tell us about your experience!