Meet Guillaume Michiels, CPO at Julie Desk #LifeAtJulie

New episode in our series #LifeAtJulie! Today, we will meet the third co-founder of Julie Desk: Guillaume Michiels, our CPO (Chief Product Officer). Be ready for this spiritual moment; for those of you who don’t know it, Guillaume is also our Chief Voodoo Officer! 😉

1. Hi Guillaume, can you tell us a bit more about your background?

Hi there! What can I say… I grew up between Paris and its suburb in a loving family who have always motivated me to move forward.

2. How did you become an entrepreneur?

Becoming an entrepreneur has never been a conscious goal for me: At school, I found myself passionately working on a project with two of my dear friends and that’s how it all started! Since then, I’ve enjoyed every day of this adventure, and I make sure to do everything I can to keep it on track.

3. What’s your role at Julie Desk? Can you describe a typical day?

I’m in charge of the product and the production. A typical day would be to deal with live production problems, to seek out ways to improve our processes and to design new features.

4. Any advice for people willing to do what you do?

The only thing you won’t ever regret is to try.

5. What is the main challenge you face (or have faced) while working at Julie Desk?

That’s a tough one… I like to see each day of my life as a new challenge to always make the most out of it. I would say I face my main challenge every day, by doing things I have never done before.

6. Where do you see Julie Desk in 5 years?

The hub of thousands of AI-based services, freeing mankind from self-invented and illusional tasks, in an attempt to organize a material world! A hub that would let us get back to our roots and be in the present moment. Nothing less, nothing more 😉

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Anywhere my dreams will have led me, trying to have a positive impact while improving myself.

8. Three words to describe you?

I don’t like to put people in boxes… But I would say positivist, candid & persevering.

9. Anything about you that people might not know and you’d like to share?

I was not expecting to say it out loud today, but Julie… I’m in love with you.

10. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Any routine?

The Five Tibetan Rites and meditation.

11. Your favorite App?

Spotify. It literally changed my life 🙂

12. Favorite food?


13. Favorite quote?

There are so many I love! The last one I have in mind is from Winston Churchill:

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

14. Who inspires you the most?

Still looking for that person…

15. Your best memory at Julie Desk?

When I felt the project was backed up by an external force than the three of us, the co-founders. That feeling first occurred when our first employees showed commitment towards the project. It made me realize at the same time, the beauty of working together as a group on something that goes way beyond our individual personalities. Happily, this feeling is getting stronger every day 😉

Thanks Guillaume for answering our questions! Any reactions? Want tips on meditation? Leave us a comment!

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