5 Tim Ferriss Podcasts you should listen to! (part 2)

Our main objective at Julie Desk is to help you save time so you can be more efficient and productive in all areas of your life. To help in this, today, I share with you 5 more The Tim Ferriss Show episodes worth listening to. This is the final part of the two-part series on the Tim Ferriss Show podcast.

Missed the first 5 episodes I recommended? Not to worry, you can still see and listen to them in part 1 of the selection 🙂

These episodes cover a range of topics such as leadership, business, personal and professional development, culture and much more. 

PS: These episodes contain explicit language

1. Seth Godin on managing his life – rules, principles and obsessions

Seth Godin is the author of 17 books on topics like leadership, marketing or how to spread your ideas. His impressive bibliography includes We Are All Weird and Linchpin: Are You Indispensable, just to name a few. He is also an entrepreneur, a TED public speaker and he blogs daily on his website. In this podcast episode, he talks about subjects such as his meticulousness, how he enjoys learning by doing, why he recommends daily blogging to everyone and he shares his favorite books, both within his impressive over one thousand personal book collection and outside of it.
Here are a few of his words that I found relevant while listening to this episode:
On being reactive:

“ There is nothing wrong with being a wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific but don’t expect to make the change you wish to make if that’s what you do”

On overcoming writer’s block:

“Write poorly, write poorly, keep writing poorly until it’s not that bad.”

He also shares his best advice for entrepreneurs and freelancers, the importance of saying no and how to have a healthy relationship with money. I found this 2-hour episode truly inspiring!
The one thing he wants people to realize is:

“You are more powerful than you think you are. Act accordingly.”

2. Derek Sivers on Developing Confidence, Finding Happiness, and Saying “No” to Millions

Derek Sivers is an entrepreneur best known for being the founder of CD Baby, an online CD Store for independent musicians. He is also the proud author of the book Anything You Want and several articles on culture, self-improvement, procrastination, philosophy and business. In this episode, he talks about how his beginning as a circus performer helped him develop his confidence. He shares how he started his online store, the life lesson he learned from a simple bike ride and the “HELL YEAH” rule he lives by. He has had several TED talks and if you are interested in watching them, he recommends to start with Weird, or Just Different? After reading a large number of books and making notes on each one of them for his personal use (they are available on his blog), he has decided to turn them into simple directives that can help anyone succeed at anything. Here are two categories of these directives:

You can find the rest of these directives on his blog.

Think long term: you can do everything you want to do, just do them one at a time. People overestimate what they can achieve in a week and they underestimate what they can achieve in a year.

3. Tony Robbins on Achievement Versus Fulfillment

Tony Robbins is the world’s most famous performance coach and life and business strategist. He is also the author of several self-help books such as Unleash The Power Within or Money: Master The Game. He has advised many celebrities and Billionaires like Oprah Winfrey who calls him “Superhuman”. In this third appearance on the Tim Ferriss Show, Tony talks about his morning routine, the importance of investing in yourself, his favorite quotes and the worst advice he often hears. He also explains the 90-second rule that he and his wife live by as a way of ending any and every kind of suffering.

“Feel it for 90 seconds. Figure it out and let it go”

In addition, he discusses how to develop and maintain a strong mental while going through difficulties like his own health struggles: extreme sleep apnea, broken rotator cuffs from a snowboarding accident, Spinal Stenosis, and mercury poisoning.

“Life is happening for us and not to us”

 4. Amelia Boone on Beating 99% of Men and Suffering for High Performance

Amelia Boone is an Obstacle Racer and Endurance Athlete, a World Champion of the Spartan Race and the World’s Toughest Mudder and a legal Counsel at Apple Inc. She has accumulated over 30 victories and 50 podiums over the years. In this episode, she discusses her morning rituals, meditative practices and how she finds the drive to be a world champion and a full-time Attorney. She also talks about how she placed 1st in the 2014 World’s Toughest Mudder just 8 weeks after knee surgery and her self-talk during races.

“Noone owes you anything”

5. The Nasty Icon of Retail, Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the global online fashion destination Nasty Gal. She is also the author of the book #GirlBoss and she has founded the #GIRLBOSS Foundation which awards financial grants to women in the world of the arts (design, fashion, music, art..). In this episode, Sophia talks about her inspiration to build a business on eBay and how to cope with the stress of a fast growing business. She also recommends her favorite books to help you lead fast-growing companies, shares the resources and mentors that taught her leadership and the process behind stepping down as CEO of her company.

“The hustle doesn’t get any easier. You just handle it better”

I hope you find inspiration in these episodes. 😉

This is a random and personal selection, do feel free to complete the list and tell us what your favorites episodes from the podcast are!