Watch our live demo of Julie [Webinar]

On September 13th, we hosted our very first webinar! You missed it? No worries, we recorded it and you can watch it on demand!

Why a webinar?

We have noticed that you have lots of questions regarding Julie: how to sign up, how to give access to my agenda, how do you secure the info, what kind of requests can I send to Julie, what languages does she understand etc.

It’s true that an AI-based scheduling assistant is kind of a new thing! So we’ve decided to host a global live webinar to answer all the questions you may have. Feel free to share your questions with us and we will add them to our presentation!

How does it work?

The best way to understand how Julie works and realize the value she can bring is to see it live! That’s exactly what we show you!

Tom, Business Developer at Julie Desk, and I cover everything from signing up to sending out requests live on your screens. You’ve always wanted to try but never actually did it? This webinar is made for you! You’ll be able to really see how Julie works, and realize that there is nothing to download, install or upgrade; as long as you have an internet connection and an email address you can work with Julie.

We also share some tips to get the most out of your AI-assistant and share some use cases from our clients.

We know you all have busy and complex calendars so here is the good news: it’s just 30min and it’s 100% free.

Let us know what you think!