Julie's News

Happy New Year 2017! (Infographics)

I hope you enjoyed your holiday celebrations with your family and friends. May the new year lead to the achievement of all your goals, both personal and professional.


happy new year

2016 was the year for the launch of chatbots for Facebook and the development of many companies in this conversational economy in the hopes of better serving their consumers. Virtual assistants are increasingly present in our daily lives and soon there will be no more need to press buttons to use your services. You will only need to speak to your device.

The revolution is well underway!

In 2017, Julie gets even better, with the planned integration of Skype for Business, the management of a trust circle, an improved internal meeting management, and many more features.

To start the year off right (and to be better organized), we all probably have already set the professional and personal goals we want to achieve and even exceed this year. At Julie Desk, we want to encourage you to take time and enjoy the things that matter to you. After all, Julie is taking care of your low value-added tasks, right?  🙂

The team (and some clients) are sharing with you the goals and resolutions that we want to achieve this year. We promise to try and take time for these activities and we hope that this inspires you to do the same.

Discover them all in this infographic visual we have prepared for you.

New year resolutions Infographics Julie Desk

We would be happy to know your goals and resolutions as well, feel free to share them with us!  🙂 
Once again, best wishes for the new year! 
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