Julie's NewsProductivity
The holidays are over, it is now time to start 2019 in style! But before falling back into the frenzy of meetings and projects, we want to mark this change of year with you! The entire Julie Desk team joins me in wishing you a happy 2019! We wish you...
Julie's News
#LifeAtJulie : Let’s Meet Thibault Devallé, Business Developer
Do you want to know more about our scheduling assistants? Then it's likely you'll have a conversation with Thibault, our Business Developer! Today, we introduce you to the most romantic person of our team at Julie Desk ? Hello Thibault, can you tell us a little about your background?
Time Management
How can you better manage your time on a daily basis to be more productive?
With the rise of new technology, the way we work has totally changed: We now have access to all our key documents and applications online, we can skype with our colleagues across the ocean and easily work from home. Our online interactions have increased and made us more efficient. But...
Case StudyProductivity
Lead Management: Reducing Response Time and Increasing Conversions
If there is one expression that applies well to lead management it’s this: You have to strike while the iron is hot! Studies show that not contacting a prospect within 5 minutes of their request is 10 times less likely to generate business! Why are many companies, still neglecting this...
Case StudyTime Management
Automating your appointment taking – the testimonial of Marc Laurent
Marc is a founding partner of Kerala Ventures, a venture capital fund launched in 2015. Kerala Ventures invests tickets between €100,000 and €1.5 million in startups that are in the very first months of their lives. They make no more than 4 to 5 investments per year in order to...
Julie's NewsTime Management
A Brand New dashboard to define your preferences and optimize your calendar!
No one sets up rendez-vous in the same way: you might prefer the morning to the afternoon for meetings, like using your office as a main meeting place rather than your clients, and finally you might like travelling by car, foot or camel rather than take public transport. Julie Desk...