ProductivityTime Management
Living in this digital era where Technology is king and where it is so easy to let yourself be distracted by so many things happening around us (online and offline), it is always nice to find new and better ways to stay focused on a single task at a time....
Case StudyTime Management
Julie, an international virtual assistant!
Michael Ferranti is the Marketing VP of a software company specialized in Container Data Management. Michael is based in France but his work demands constant traveling. An effective management of his calendar is, therefore, a real challenge, especially if he has to take into account all different time zones.
Case StudyTime Management
Julie, an assistant for all VC! [case study ]
Ben Marrel is Managing Partner at Breega, a venture capital firm financing European innovative tech start-ups at Seed/Series A stage. Built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, Breega manages 150M € and acts as an active business partner rather than a simple investor, bringing on top of cash, an industry and operational...
ProductivityTime Management
5 Meetings To Schedule This Summer!
Summer, summer ... Lots of sun, fun and ice cream! Yes, summer is a great time for holidays! But it is also a great time to get some work done! During the summer, things calm down: check your emails and you'll probably notice that you don't receive as many emails...