Artificial Intelligence

How to build Empathy in AI?

The evolution of AI lead to interesting and passionate debates. One of the questions, I am often asked, I will try to answer is : How will Virtual Assistants impact the Internet and, on a larger scale, Society as a whole? First, it’s important to define what we mean when we...
Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots to best manage your finances

Chatbots are taking over in the financial field and they act as personalized bank advisors or virtual piggy banks.   Recent advancements in AI have lead to the rise in Chatbots. These conversational agents are able to have written or spoken communication with humans and provide access to a large...
Artificial Intelligence

How NLP gave birth to Julie

To automatically understand client requests found in emails, Julie relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, in particular, Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP is a subfield of AI that deals with various problems ranging from text comprehension to text generation.